Halloween Treats and Tricks!

Do you have small children, who are bouncing off the walls with excitement for Halloween?  Our family loves this time of year, looking at all of the spooky and creepy decorations and planning out our costumes.  It’s also a great idea to plan out some of the meals for the day, incorporating some Halloween-themed treats into breakfast, lunch and dinner!

Beware the Breakfast Booo’s

Frankenstein Green Smoothie  Packed with fruits and veggies, it’s a great way to help your kids get a healthful start to their day! 

Tangerine Pumpkins and Banana Ghosts  Always a hit, these simple yet effective fruits are Spooktacular! 

(Whole Wheat) Pumpkin Pancakes  These can be shaped like pumpkins, or not, but the pumpkin puree and pumpkin spice will transport you directly to fall!  Since they are made with whole wheat flour, they are not only a delicious but also a nutritious addition to your Halloween breakfast table.  

Lurking Lunch Ideas

Frankenstein’s Monster Avocado Toast   Create monsters with your sandwich ingredients!  Mash ripe avocado with a pinch of salt and a squirt of lemon juice. Spread on toast. Use slices of radish, black olive and bell pepper to create a scary face and add marshmallows or eyes. Cut seaweed snacks to give Frankenstein’s monster his signature hair.

RIP Casket Sandwich  Cut out bread to resemble a casket, then fill with desired fillings.  Write RIP on the casket with cake decorating gel, ketchup or mustard. 

Spider Bun Sandwich  Use small slider buns to make sandwiches of your choice.  Use pretzel sticks for the legs (8 total!), and candy eyes on top. 

Monster Mouths Spread one side of two apple wedges with peanut butter. Line mini marshmallows on one wedge to form teeth; lay second wedge on top.

Devilishly Decorated Dinner Options

Bloody Finger Hot Dogs  We’ve all seen this one, but it’s a classic!  Cut the ends of the hot dogs to represent the fingernail, and then make some cross hatches to represent the finger joints.  Heat hot dogs and place in buns with random squirts of ketchup (to represent blood). 

Stuffed Pumpkin Peppers  Use any stuffed pepper recipe you like, (see one of my favorites below), but before filling the peppers, cut a pumpkin face into the side of the pepper.  Triangle eyes, nose and a simple mouth is perfect.  Then stuff and bake!

Stuffed Tamale Peppers (I like this recipe, as it’s very kid friendly – Mexican flavors are loved by many)

Spooky Spaghetti and Eyeball Meatballs  This is a fun take on a classic, family-friendly meal.  You can make the sauce from scratch if you wish, but this is a great idea!   Serve with Mummified Garlic Bread for a completely spooky supper! 

We would love to hear (and see photos!) of what you came up with for your Spooky Celebration!  As always, we would love to help and welcome special requests for the holiday season as well. 

Wishing you and your family a safe and fun Halloween!


Orange-Roasted Beet and Goat Cheese Phyllo Cups with Thyme


Stuffed Tamale Peppers