“What a quality-of-life saver RSE is for us! With my background in nutrition, I was afraid I would be hard to please. But our menus have been fantastic – healthy, nutritious, and unbelievably tasty food at our fingertips! What more could I want?”
— Julie B., Lake Oswego
“My husband got me a Ready, Set, Eat! service as an anniversary gift. He knows I love good food, but we’re both way too busy to cook. Ready, Set, Eat!’s conveniently prepared meals are the perfect alternative to eating in restaurants every night. The food is spectacular, and we can eat in our pajamas!”
— Tina G., Portland
“Shana did a great job of choosing toddler-friendly options for our family. Yum!”
- Beth K., Beaverton
“This service was given to me as a gift for recuperation after a surgery. I would highly recommend this service for anyone in similar circumstances.”
— Sue G., Hillsboro
“An easy, healthy way to eat. Worth every penny!”
— Buck W., Portland
“The organization and labeling of everything was great, the service was very professional and clean.”
–Zach L., Salem
“I was very impressed with the quality and freshness of the food. Excellent!”
–Susan S., Lake Oswego
“Overall, I would rate your service and food outstanding.”
–Jim B., Portland
“We had been falling into the same old menu routine, but once we met Shana (a year ago) our meals have gotten a lot more interesting. We love flavor and spicy foods. Everything Shana makes us is always deliciously perfect for our lifestyle.”
–Jill K., Beaverton
“We have honestly loved all of the food and the variety so far. The best part about the service is not having to think about what’s for dinner every night. the instructions for preparation on the food containers is great and so easy to follow. Not having to prepare a menu is wonderful, the food is excellent, and I am very impressed by how professional the service is. You are a pleasure to do business with.”
–Kelly S., Beaverton
“Shana’s service is invaluable. In a matter of hours, she managed to stock our fridge and freezer with delicious, nutritious meals. She is a true professional, and we can’t wait to use her service again.”
–Kristen W., Portland
“It’s great to come home, smell good food cooking and know you don’t have to cook or clean up! Food was great and service outstanding. Thank you!”
–Tia R., Portland
“Both of the menu items were excellent. The flavors were unique and exceeded our expectations. Shana combines professionalism, cooking skills and nutritional knowledge into a service we can’t live without! her ability to prepare both vegetarian and non-vegetarian items has been a great meal solution for us.”
–Nicole R., Tigard